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LIVE GIANT COACHING is changing the game. We don’t just say it for a fancy IG slogan – we are it! I ask for clients to be folks who are able to critically think and execute instructions, as I will not baby sit nor hold hands every day of the week. But what I will do is get you in the best shape of your life – and I’ll provide you with a big and supportive #TeamMihaly family that’ll cheer you on as you develop along your journey

Training starts at a monthly commitment – In understanding the psychology behind client behaviors and habit forming we know that the first month is mostly mastery of the protocols and processes – habit forming. Month two is when we start learning the physique and seeing visible progress but even more mental changes occurring. Month three is when we get into “auto pilot” mode of perfect execution not necessarily being a negotiable, perfect execution has now become part of our life and this is when the real magic begins, and truthfully I don’t want folks who aren’t committed long term because the real magic starts to happen after 6 months of perfect high level execution

Your goals are likely to take longer than you think, my job is to educate you, watch you progress, but also set you up for long term success in and outside of fitness too. It’s more than just bodybuilding, its full spectrum improvements I want to see my clients have. Mental, professional, spiritual growth. Be uncomfortable!

I am a coach geared towards people who are advacned status, if you’re a beginner I would recommend looking into one of the assistant team coaches. My roster is best fit for advanced folks

I expect:

  • Execution to be stellar. I have a BADASS team with some incredible individuals a part of it – this has everything to do with client execution and adherence

  • Communication needs to be on point. Check ins need to be completed properly, when I ask for communication about a part of the protocol I’m closely assessing I expect that to be fulfilled.

  • Coachable. You’ll be sending me training videos, check ins, biofeedback summaries, etc. When I notate a change you need to implement it – I’m VERY lax and easy going but thats because my clients allow me to be that way. BE COACHABLE and we’ll be GREAT

Clients expect:

  • No Bullshit. I dont sugar coat, I dont lie to make you feel better without addressing the root of an issue, I dont say or do things to keep people on the roster. I will be holding you to a very high standard

  • Real knowledge. I’m very good at what I do, I have an abundance of knowledge about the human body, biomechanics, physiology, pharmacology and how they each pertain to reaching the NEXT LEVEL with your results. I will educate the clients that want educated and we can ALL be better together.

  • Passion, Care, and RESULTS. Look, I LOVE THIS SHIT. I live for coaching and impacting others through health and fitness. I wake up every morning at 7am with an insane urge to impact, create, and just make this world a better place. I LOVE BEING A COACH and you’re gonna know that and feel that. My passion for this is radiant. My clients need to care as much as I do

What my Services Entail:

  • Training and Training video assessments. You’ll be set up with an extremely intense and detailed training program thats in line with our training beliefs. Be ready, this truly is the NEXT LEVEL! You’ll also be sending me weekly training videos for assessment of form, execution, and intensity

  • Nutrition programming. Macro-based nutrition protocol is what majority of my clients follow but if a meal plan is needed we can provide that as we have on staff RD’s who I will sync up with to provide this for you

  • Cardio and supplementation protocols. I’ll assign you weekly cardio to complete and also supplements based off client needs, goals, and we only recommend the highest quality products for you guys to use


  • Bloodwork assessment. I will ensure you’re the healthiest you have been. There’s nothing we can’t fix, I have a team of endocrinologists I work closely with and feel very confident in our track records and ability to fix majority of hormonal issues caused from PED abuse or aftermath of poor programming from previous coaches that have left you unhealthy.

  • Weekly biofeedback check ins. Every week you’ll send me updated pictures and fill out the check in documentation and send it to me for assessments. This is where changes to the protocol are made if and when they’re needed

  • Constant access to me when needed. We’re a team, you won’t be sitting around waiting for days to hear from me; I’m extremely prompt with my response time to messages from clients.

  • Whatever it takes for you to succeed, we’ll do. I got you!! We’re going to find your inner greatness and let that shine – I’m your coach but also your hype man and a resource for you to use!

This sound like you? Something you’re interested in? Then view my pricing options in the application and lets see if we are a fit!


No refunds due to fees absorbed and taken from payment processors. Please check on your own. Read more here.

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